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So This is Random…

18 Oct

But I was just reading a post I found by hitting next up yonder at the top of this page, on a random site of someone I do not know and never will. This woman had just graduated from College andwas taking a job teaching in a school with no white children in one of the poorest areas of Washington DC. She was going to teach 5th Graders. She posted it back in may… I wonder how she is doing. I hope she well, because in my heart of hearts I think it is a beautiful thing. This girl loved Jesus, so I will assume it is her love of the King that lead her to work with these subjects. But stories like hers make me hopeful for the furture of the Church. I love city kids so much! I also love teachers…God chose some to be teachers and some to be preachers right? I am so glad that he chose many of you. I hope you will see it as a ministry. I also hope that many of you will choose to teach the kids who need you the most. Some of our students lack so many things they truely deserve, but when you love them it is such a rewarding thing. I don’t know if anyone else has ever read a Jonathan Kozal book but they make me cry. They also make me long for those city places to be with the city kids and smell the city smells. Rich Mullins once said “when I go I wanna go out like Elijah…” Similarly I don’t know what life will bring, but if God would grant me one request: I wanna live and die for you amongst your people in the hood.