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The Jesus of Suburbia…

27 Oct

So I was going to post more quotes but it seems that I have left my copy of the book at urgent care, where I was with yet another sick son :(…ear infections should be illegal. Oh well I will go back for it tomorrow. I did read a similar quote today from a guy from the 1800’s about adandoning everything to follow Jesus radically… and we thought we invented it in this generation 🙂 Here:

“…Even where these are not entirely neglected, they do not always take the place they are meant to have—that first place that makes everything, the dearest and best, secondary and subordinate to the work of helping and blessing men. A reckless disregard of everything that would interfere with God’s will and commands, a being jealous with God’s jealousy against sin, a witnessing and a fighting against it at any sacrifice —” Andrew Murray

The Jesus of Suburbia…

21 Oct

So I am reading a book by a guy named Mike Erre called “Jesus of Suburbia”…It rocks. Over the next few days I will be giving quotes.

“Risk is inherent in faith. Risk and Faith cannot be divorced”

“This is one of the reasons we settle for the mundane Jesus of suburbia; he is predictable and safe. This way of living steals the life God offers, even with all of it’s cost. We settle for the dull and drab, never daring great things for God and never seeing God do great things.”

“I want my children to grow up understanding that life with Jesus is more than just being nice, or trying not to cuss and get drunk because “that is what good Christians do.” I want my children to be so compelled by the real Jesus that they are willing to stand with him, giving their lives to his revolution, not in order to be religious but because the is simply no more exhilarating way to live. I want my kids to see my wife and me as revolutionaries who subvert the dominant belief systems of the world, not out of religious obligation but in wholehearted response to the person of Jesus.”

Word. I think that last one may be the purpose statement that my wife and I would choose for ourselves as parents. All of these came just form the first chapter and there are more amazing quotes as well. I will post them later.