Be Subversive

28 Dec

I am temporarily abandoning my pursuit of the writing project below. Not because I do not feel it is worthy, as I certainly do, but because I feel as though there are things that are more worthy. I have decided to put my energy into leading and loving a truly missional church. While the other would have been fun and in some sense constructive I am not sure it would be more constructive then spending the bulk of my time trying to introduce post-Christians to the one thing they really need: Jesus. I am just feeling a real call right now to living out a radical Christology. I am excited and called greatly to the concept that Christianity rightly understood and lived looks little like the model that good ole’ Constantine has foisted upon us. I am tired of hearing people argue for the mainstream nature of Christianity. Christianity that is in any sense mainstream has lost it’s true power and center. We follow a King who after all challenged people to deny themselves and take up their cross, he them took up a cross himself and for us died there, he also you might remember rose from the dead. None of these things fit well into mainstream American life. I do not want to be mainstream, I want to be subversive. The truth is that Jesus is incompatible with so much of our American lives, not only that he is a threat to them. Allegiance to anything apart from Christ must be questioned. In this sense Jesus and his kingdom are a threat to the rule and the reign of our day (they understood this once upon a time and killed him for it). He is also a threat to our naturalism, subjectivism and consumerism (and a host of other ism’s). All of these must be taken down. I don’t want a mainstream faith I want a subversive one! The joy of it all is that this subversive faith has been at the center of missional movements for all of Christian history, see the apostolic church (the real one with Peter and Paul, not the oneness petecostal posse) or the Chinese Church for instance. They live out a subversive, faith and people meet Jesus, really that is all I want to be about.

On that note I recommend this book “The Forgotten Ways

Radically yours,


One Response to “Be Subversive”

  1. alan hirsch January 13, 2007 at 7:27 am #

    Hi D

    Thanks for the thorough recommendation. I too am absolutely convinced that Christology lies at the root of the rewal of the church in every time and in every place. Jesus is Lord!

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