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Cause Cakes Can Be Delicious and Funny…

19 Aug

Who doesn’t like cakes and humor?  (besides the Chinese government and James Dobson…China because Commies don’t like such wasteful use of sugar and James Dobson because he suspects that cake and humor together are a tool of the radical Homosexual agenda…)

Anyhoo if you are not the Chinese government, James Dobson or a California homeschool parent under his evil spell click here.

Search Engine Term.

10 Mar

Everybody knows that my favorite way for people to find this site is through search engine terms…and my favorite of those are Dobber related.  Here is a new one:

dobson pulic schools 2008 quoted broadcast…

I love it for its messed up grammar.  I love it because you know that the person who  searched was a hardcore homeschooling parent.  Think their kids can spell?  Well at least they are not going to one of those totally “gayified” public schools.

For the Record…He is Absolutely Right…

8 Feb

Not necessarily about McCain but about the concept of not  choosing lesser evils.  So even though I called him crazy below…I say thumbs up to the Dobber.

For someome who disagrees with me and the Dobber click here

I Love WordPress Search Engine Terms…

7 Feb

WordPress is cool because it tells me how people found my site…I always think they are funny..I will now respond to some of the search terms:

Term: is James Dobson crazy? Answer: Yes.

Term: Drake Emergent… Reply: Slander! I can’t be Emergent, I still seem to believe stuff, and I don’t feel led to apologize to every one I have hurt by my awful belief imperialism. Also I am not embarrassed by the Apostle Paul and the rest of the Epistles.

Term: tellatuby… Reply: Is my two year old using the computer now?

Search Engine Terms…

11 Jul

Daddy Why is that Pony Glassy Eyed?

I love following how people got here…for instance someone searched for “James Dobson’s stance on My Little Ponies” to which I have two responses 1. Please tell me he does not have one, my daughter loves them and she would hate to find out they are part of a covert drug smuggling ring, or gay or worse yet, educated in a public school and 2. Whoever you are, and I will find out, by virtue of caring what Dobson says in general and on this topic in particular you are officially banned from my site.

Overly Hetro V. Overly Metro

Another great search term: “Mark Driscoll vs. Rob Bell” now there is a celebrity death match I would love to see. Although I think we all realize that the (formerly) bearded one would kick the stuffing out of the (always) metro one. It would be beautiful, the lumber-jackish Driscoll pummeling the Hebrewish Bell, Driscoll grunting, Bell attempting to cite obscure and poorly researched facts about the Holy Land in an attempt to distract would be lovely.

I don’t know who you are…but I love you.

16 Apr

So someone out there in cyber land found this site by searching for this: “crazy james dobson statements.” I may not ever see your face but I say to you this day: “We are brothers.”

The Fonger

9 Nov

I already love Ken Fong’s writing (if you are going to do multiethnic Asian Ministry you need to read Ken’s book Pursuing the Pearl) but then I found this quote from him on the Out of Ur Blog..and I love him all the more. It sounds way more brilliant when he said it then when I said it somewhere down this page…

“The nuclear family is not God’s most important institution on earth. It is not the social agent that most significantly forms the character of Christians.” –Ken Fong pastor of Evergreen Baptist Church of Los Angeles in Rosemead, California

The Jesus of Suburbia…

21 Oct

So I am reading a book by a guy named Mike Erre called “Jesus of Suburbia”…It rocks. Over the next few days I will be giving quotes.

“Risk is inherent in faith. Risk and Faith cannot be divorced”

“This is one of the reasons we settle for the mundane Jesus of suburbia; he is predictable and safe. This way of living steals the life God offers, even with all of it’s cost. We settle for the dull and drab, never daring great things for God and never seeing God do great things.”

“I want my children to grow up understanding that life with Jesus is more than just being nice, or trying not to cuss and get drunk because “that is what good Christians do.” I want my children to be so compelled by the real Jesus that they are willing to stand with him, giving their lives to his revolution, not in order to be religious but because the is simply no more exhilarating way to live. I want my kids to see my wife and me as revolutionaries who subvert the dominant belief systems of the world, not out of religious obligation but in wholehearted response to the person of Jesus.”

Word. I think that last one may be the purpose statement that my wife and I would choose for ourselves as parents. All of these came just form the first chapter and there are more amazing quotes as well. I will post them later.

So This is Random…

18 Oct

But I was just reading a post I found by hitting next up yonder at the top of this page, on a random site of someone I do not know and never will. This woman had just graduated from College andwas taking a job teaching in a school with no white children in one of the poorest areas of Washington DC. She was going to teach 5th Graders. She posted it back in may… I wonder how she is doing. I hope she well, because in my heart of hearts I think it is a beautiful thing. This girl loved Jesus, so I will assume it is her love of the King that lead her to work with these subjects. But stories like hers make me hopeful for the furture of the Church. I love city kids so much! I also love teachers…God chose some to be teachers and some to be preachers right? I am so glad that he chose many of you. I hope you will see it as a ministry. I also hope that many of you will choose to teach the kids who need you the most. Some of our students lack so many things they truely deserve, but when you love them it is such a rewarding thing. I don’t know if anyone else has ever read a Jonathan Kozal book but they make me cry. They also make me long for those city places to be with the city kids and smell the city smells. Rich Mullins once said “when I go I wanna go out like Elijah…” Similarly I don’t know what life will bring, but if God would grant me one request: I wanna live and die for you amongst your people in the hood.


13 Sep

Does anyone else who reads this page regularly find it ironic that James Dobson keeps sending me mail?